Splash Prevention
This must be one of the strangest bathroom installations yet unless it’s a new design for splash prevention. There really is no other explanation as to why any contractor would conclude that this bathroom design is actually plausible. When you order a toilet and a urinal in a tight space, you get what you asked for, just not in the most practical way. At least you have plenty of options when you need to go.

Splash Prevention
Once A Door, Now A Window
At first sight, this may look like a very odd window design, although further inspection reveals that it was probably once a door. Otherwise, maybe the property owner decided the window needed its very own special steps and pillars to properly frame it! Some people might be under the impression that windows make for far more practical entryways than doors. Or, maybe this is a training course for cat burglars? We cannot really make any sense of this decision.

Once A Door, Now A Window