This Story Of How The Community Helped A Homeless Man Will Melt Your Heart

Published on 06/22/2022

An Shocking Revelation

The name Myers had been altered, as Swalwell had found out to his surprise. Gordon Michael Oakley was the name that was given to him when he was born; Mick Myers wasn’t his real name. Myers, for his part, was taken aback by this information because he was completely unaware of it.

An Shocking Revelation

An Shocking Revelation

The local news channel heard about this tale, which then broadcast the tale of the odd relationship in an effort to sway further individuals in favor of the cause. This endeavor was successful, and in response, a private investigator by the name of Mark Askins offered his services without charge.


Another Lending Hand

Mark Askins was working in the field of investigations for a considerable amount of time when he became interested in the Myers case. Because he was previously involved with the nonprofit organization known as “Miracle Message,” whose mission was to re-unite formerly homeless persons with their families, he was not unfamiliar with dealing with cases of this nature.

Another Lending Hand

Another Lending Hand

He made contact with Swalwell and Myers and expressed interest in assisting him in his search for his biological family members. This in fact provided Myers with a fresh start and newfound optimism.