Miserable Life
Meet Mike Myers. Myers did not have work and was unable to pay for a place to stay, so he found himself living on the street very quickly. He did not have any relatives or close friends to support him. He tried to make a living by playing the guitar and begging on street corners, but none of these things were sufficient for him to maintain his existence. In 2017, Myers was 67 years old and had spent his whole adult life living on the streets. He had never known any other way of life. He was accustomed to living that way, and as a result, he lost all hope and recollection of his earlier existence.

Miserable Life
The depressing truth is that his way of life is shared by thousands of other individuals every day. It was predicted in 2017 by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development that the number of homeless persons in this country surpasses 554,000. Twenty-five percent of all homeless people who reside in the United States call the state of California home. When he finally did meet that one person, though, everything changed.
The Sherrif And The Homeless
Due to the fact that Myers was without a house, he was forced to resort to begging and playing his guitar beside the motorway in order to survive. Myers was put in a position where he had no option but to comply with the directives to stop and desist that were provided to him by Deputy Sheriff Jacob Swalwell of Alameda County. It was essential for him to support himself monetarily in some way.

The Sherrif And The Homeless
At the moment, Swalwell was unaware that he would have such a significant impact on the life of this individual. The only thing that he knew about him was that he was a homeless person who played guitar and begged along Foothill Boulevard.