More Thant 35 Cars Which Have Lost Their Original Worth – Could Yours Be One?

Published on 10/21/2020

Chevrolet Volt

You might recall how the concept art of the Chevrolet Volt sent the gearhead community into a state of excited hysterics. This redefining model provided a joining of gas and electricity when it came to engine design, with its batteries being charged while on the road. This was something that had never been seen before its announcement. Time has passed since that thrilling moment, however, and the car now faces a new level of depreciation of 71.2%

Chevrolet Volt

Chevrolet Volt


Ford Focus

Although Fords are notoriously unfortunate investments, if you do not mind losing out in the resale department, then you can enjoy a feasible and trusty performance. The Ford Focus brings a fashionable and convenient family hatchback which is perfect for holidays. It was doomed to join its counterparts in the devaluing dump, sadly. With three years’ worth of performance on the clock, this car will experience a scary 45% depreciation, which is the same as a second-hand rate. To its defense, the Focus does fare better in the financial longevity department than its siblings, but it is still a miserable decline.

Ford Focus

Ford Focus