Mercedes-Benz S-Class
The S-Class was privileged to become Mercedes-Benz’s flagship sedan upon its release. Of course, the S-Class was detailed with the entirety of modern motor technology’s bits and bobs, becoming a heftily pricy first-hand purchase. With futuristic technology comes crippling part replacement costs, however, not to mention a bankrupting loss of 69.9% of its original worth. After reading these figures, even the wealthiest consumers may think twice about investing in the S-Class.

Mercedes Benz S Class
BMW 7 Series
The BMW 7 Series was one of the most excitingly anticipated releases from the German luxury brand, what with its revolutionary installations and fabulous seamless design. People with the money to spare were lining up to buy one, happily accepting the titanic cost. What they were not happy with, however, was this Series’ unprecedented depreciation standard, far exceeding that of the 5 Series. In five years following a purchase of this car, you will have lost out on 71.1% of its initial worth.

BMW 7 Series