Take A Look At The Best And Worst Ford Vehicle Releases Over The Years

Published on 06/22/2022

BEST: Lincoln K Series (1931-1940)

The Lincoln K Series was released in 1931 and was the replacement for the L Series and featured a 6.3-L V8 and 7.3-L V12 power plants. This ride pushed up to 150 horses and during that period, this was a pretty good power.

Best Lincoln K Series 1931 1940

Best Lincoln K Series 1931 1940

However, this ride was never about performance but more of luxury…which this car had a lot of. This car was in the likes of Cadillac, Bentley, and Packard and was one of the highest-luxury-rides for decades.


WORST: Ford Fiesta (1978-1980)

This Ford Fiesta didn’t have enough power and it was pretty much ugly compared to other unattractive rides. It featured a 1.6-L inline-4 that could only push a maximum of 54 horsepower, low-quality interior design, and the car didn’t have the basic safety features.

Worst Ford Fiesta 1978 1980

Worst Ford Fiesta 1978 1980

The Ford Fiesta was initially developed in Europe but was not necessarily designed for the US market. However, Ford decided to bring the car home in order to compete against the Volkswagen Rabbit. There was a major blow for the series on the US market and while it remained a best-seller in Europe, it was among the worst ever created by Ford.