Take A Look At The Best And Worst Ford Vehicle Releases Over The Years

Published on 06/22/2022

BEST: Ford Mustang (1965-1973)

The first-gen Mustang is by far one of the best Fords of all time. The term “muscle car” was born from this release and has also become a household name in North America. The Mustang nameplate was initially released in 1964 and until its last production in 1973, the car became an icon in the automotive industry.

Best Ford Mustang 1965 1973

Best Ford Mustang 1965 1973

This car was powered by a 4.7-L V8 power plant with a 271-horses production and could go up to 60 mph even from a standstill position in 9 seconds.


WORST: Ford Focus (2012-2016)

Yet another Ford Focus that was an epic failure as it was far below being reliable. The Ford Focuses released between 2012 to 2016 were part of several recalls due to its malfunctioning exhaust system and its automatic “PowerShift” transmission.

Worst Ford Focus 2012 2016

Worst Ford Focus 2012 2016

The series released in 2014 is an all-time worst Fords to ever be manufactured and released as it had grinding noises, excessive vibrations, and failure to get into gear. There were also major issues as it relates to electric power steering.