Accepting Loss
A miscarriage is one of the most heartbreaking and traumatic things that a woman can go through. All that Valerie was left with was emotional pain and a deep sense of loss. But there was another misery to deal with, and that was her now useless nursery within her home.
Walking into that room that she had so painstakingly built for her baby was too much for Valerie. She could not face the reality that this room would never be occupied by the child that she loved so dearly.
Struggling To Find The Will
Valerie’s whole world was shattered when the doctors told her that it was all over. She was convinced that this was all just a terrible nightmare. In time, she would accept that this was not a dream, but an unbearable reality.
The weeks crawled past, and Valerie felt completely hollow. Her appetite was gone, and she had shut herself in, not having ventured into the world for weeks. Valerie was falling further into her hole.