The Mother Who Sold Her Baby’s Crib And The Buyer Who Told Her To Look Inside It What Was Inside?

Published on 08/12/2021

Building Anxiety

Gerald grew suspicious as he began scrutinizing this strange woman, who was now refusing to make eye contact with him. Gerald pressed the question of her child’s name once more. This completely innocent question was getting a rise out of Valerie, clearly.

Building Anxiety

Building Anxiety

Valerie began tapping her foot anxiously before snappily responding that her child was called Noah. Given Valerie’s suspicious behavior, Gerald was not going to believe her. There was something completely unsavory about this exchange.


Get Out

Gerald tried to lighten the awkward situation by smiling at Valerie, but she did not return the warmth. Instead, she quickly demanded that Gerald pay her and then insisted that he should leave.

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Get Out

Gerald blinked at the bizarre woman before handing over the cash. He then hoisted the crib onto his shoulders and then turned around to get back into his truck. He had no idea that this thing was about to reveal its nightmare.