Dealing with Dirt or Rust
So you are all ready for an important meeting, about to grab your bag and rush out of the door, until you notice a wrinkle on your shirt… Shouldn’t be too complicated, right? Just take the shirt off and iron it quickly. Easy. Unless the iron has accumulated dirt or rust. One swipe of that and your fresh, smart shirt will be a total mess.

Dealing With Dirt Or Rust
Luckily, your kitchen has a quick fix ready. Just grab a sheet of aluminum foil, roll it into a ball, and scrub the surface of the iron while hot, and all the dirt will come off. There may be a scratch or two, but it will be worth it.
Moving Furniture without Leaving a Scratch
The most gorgeous pieces of furniture are often quite bulky or heavy, and trying to move them around the room can often end up in disaster as you try to drag it around the room, leaving scratch marks on your floor.

Moving Furniture Without Leaving A Scratch
You can avoid all of that with this simple hack; Just put a layer of foil underneath each corner of the furniture.