Avoid Welcoming Cockroaches into Your Kitchen
Many of us have some cabinets in our kitchen or elsewhere where the shelves or drawers are quite deep, making it very likely that they don’t get any natural light at the back. This is most welcoming to the least favorite creepy-crawly; cockroaches.

Avoid Welcoming Cockroaches Into Your Kitchen
The solution to this is placing aluminum foil on the shelves themselves which will reflect light onto all corners of the cabinet, which in turn increases the light which will decrease the number of insect visitors.
Low-Cost Boost to Radiator Efficiency
When it is cold outside the one consolation is coming into a warm house, but sometimes a standard radiator just doesn’t quite do the trick. Of course, it is possible to upgrade it or even buy another one, but both of those options mean more expensive electricity and gas bills.

Low-Cost Boost To Radiator Efficiency
The extremely low cost and the easy homemade solution comes in the form of aluminum and some cardboard. Just put some flaps of foil over the cardboard and place it around the heat source which will reflect heat further and increase the rate of heat distribution, increasing the efficiency of your radiator.