Avoiding Melted Ice-Cream Disasters
Children are well known for not being the cleanest or tidiest of creatures, but eating ice-cream can be a particularly messy disaster as it can cause clothes stains, mucky hands, and general all-around stickiness.

Avoiding Melted Ice Cream Disasters
The solution to the mess has been in your kitchen drawer this whole time. The next time you give your kids ice-cream just wrap it with aluminum foil which will create a type of barrier between the cone and their hands, and collect all of the dripping ice-cream in the foil instead of on their clothes and your kitchen floor.
Wrinkle-Free Clothes
Everyone knows that a crisply ironed shirt makes a much better impression than a crumpled one. However, if you regularly iron your shirt on a base that is not smooth you can actually create wrinkles that will become very difficult to remove.

Wrinkle-Free Clothes
The perfect solution is of course right there in your kitchen. Just wrap some aluminum foil under the cloth of the ironing board. The metal will help absorb the heat from the iron and you will have a crisply smooth surface in a matter of moments.