Ultimate Life Hacks: Things You Never Knew About Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap

Published on 06/16/2019

Wifi Signal Booster

Is your internet connection slower than you would like it to be? Here’s what you do: fold some tin foil into a parabolic dish if you want to boost your wi-fi signal from your router.

Wifi Signal Booster

Wifi Signal Booster

Sure, it can look strange, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to see cats on YouTube at high speed.


Wet Bed Prevention

Placing a layer of foil between the bedsheet and the mattress may sound weird but trust us, it is effective, and anyone with young children who still wet the bed at night knows what a big job it is to clean the mattress every other night.

Wet Bed Prevention

Wet Bed Prevention

Using a layer of aluminum will act as a waterproof layer for the mattress. If you are worried about the sounds or texture causing an uncomfortable night’s sleep, just place a soft towel on top of the foil in between the sheets. The towel may get ruined over time but it is much easier to wash and much cheaper than a new mattress.