Ultimate Life Hacks: Things You Never Knew About Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap

Published on 06/16/2019

Save Money with this Smartphone Pen

Many people find it easier using a stylus for their touch screen gadgets and tend to spend quite a bit of cash on an advanced smartphone stylus.

Save Money With This Smartphone Pen

Save Money With This Smartphone Pen

Save your dosh with this hack. Just wrap a bit of foil on the tip of a regular pen or stick, and you’re good to go! Of course, make sure it is smooth so you don’t scratch your screen!


Perfect Pie Crusts

After all the energy and effort that goes into creating the perfect pie, the worst thing is when the shape of the crust gets ruined or falls apart.

Perfect Pie Crusts

Perfect Pie Crusts

Tinfoil to the rescue, yet again! Just wrap your finished pie in aluminum foil which will also maintain the form of the pie and keep the pastry warm for longer.