Ultimate Life Hacks: Things You Never Knew About Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap

Published on 06/16/2019

Bring the Fish In With Added Light

If you have ever been fishing you will probably know that fish are attracted towards bright sunlight. Have you ever considered using this light as bait instead of the regular worms?

Bring The Fish In With Added Light

Bring The Fish In With Added Light

It may sound a bit crazy but it has been proven to work. Just wrap a little tin foil around your fish hook, and you will soon see how glistening of the light on the foil attracts the fish to your rod.


Bye Bye Blunt Scissors

You know that annoying moment when you need to cut something open with your kitchen scissors and you discover that they are too blunt to cut anything with, and wasted time trying? Well, as long as you have some aluminum in your kitchen drawer it won’t happen again.

Bye Bye Blunt Scissors

Bye Bye Blunt Scissors

Just grab some aluminum foil and begin cutting it with the scissors, after a while you’ll notice that the cuts actually become smoother, and voila! you have sharpened your scissors without any special equipment.