Waterproofing Your Shoes
This might sound incredulous but is actually a truth. You can waterproof your shoes with WD-40. Spray the product on your shoes and other items such as a coat. You will then not have to worry about staying dry when the downpour starts. Few things are worse than getting your socks and shoes soaked when you are desperately trying to get where you need to go in the rain. Stay dry and warm during the rainy season!

Waterproofing Your Shoes
Degrease your hands
Grease takes ages to go away and washing it with soap does not really help. Instead, you end up making the soap greasy. You have to go to great lengths to get rid of it from your hands, and if you work with cars or other greasy types of equipment, then you know how much of a pain this process is. WD-40 can do the task efficiently. Make sure that you wash your hands as soon as you apply the spray, as prolonged exposure to WD-40 can lead to skin irritation.

Degrease your hands