How To Extract The Best Uses Out Of WD-40 In Ways That You Would Not Have Thought About

Published on 04/01/2019

Get rid of silly putty out of furniture

Children cannot be stopped from finding their play areas. They can just about play anywhere. While playing everywhere is not a problem, silly putty in these areas poses an issue, especially since they can be difficult to get rid of. The stuff can even find its way on your sofa. To deal with this, you need to spray a little WD-40 and use rags and light scrubs. Keep your kids’ fun and adventurous times safely confined.

Get rid of silly putty out of furniture


Prevention of mildew growth on the fountain

Having a fountain in your house is not everyone’s cup of tea. For those, who do have it, this can be a valuable tip. Water runs down the fountains throughout the day. This leads to a collection of mildew. To prevent this, you need to turn the water off and then spray it with WD-40. The growth of just about everything will thus be avoided. Your garden has plenty of wonderful spots that could be cleaned and maintained with WD-40.

Prevention of mildew growth on the fountain