How To Extract The Best Uses Out Of WD-40 In Ways That You Would Not Have Thought About

Published on 04/01/2019

Protection of car doors

The waterproofing of your car has a lot to do with the rubber bits present between the car door and the entrance of the vehicle. If these rubber bits are not present, the water will seep into the vehicle during a storm, posing quite a bit of problem. Spraying WD-40 on these rubber parts can increase their longevity to a large extent. With the right amount of care and dedication, you will avoid needing to take your car to the mechanic so often.

Protection of car doors


Removal of gum from the lint screen

The lint screen in your washing machine might have caught your attention a number of times. What you might not have considered is a situation where a piece of chewing gum gets stuck on it. You will often find chewing gum packets in the pockets of children which end up in the lint screen. However, this does not render the gum out of reach from WD-40. A quick squirt and some brushing will remove it nicely.

Removal of gum from the lint screen