Restoration of metal figurines
Those who possess metal figurines must be well aware of how rusty they tend to get. The statue of liberty is a good example. If you want to make sure that your metal figurines continue to look good and do not lose their value, spraying WD-40 will do the needful. Your trophies will also benefit from some good work with WD-40 as you retain the shine that you deserve for all your hard work and achievements.

Restoration of metal figurines
Enhance the TV signal
Television sets with a pair of antenna on top of them might have become rare but have not disappeared altogether. If you have one of these and are looking for some way to improve your TV signal, WD-40 can be useful. Spray WD-40 on a piece of cloth and wipe it down the antenna. You will get a clear picture, and the antenna will also get a long life. Never suffer a Netflix interruption again!

Enhance the TV signal