Cleaning the strip of sliding doors sliding
Trying to drag a sliding door unwilling to budge is like wrestling with a really huge guy. Instead of putting yourself through the trouble, spray WD-40 on the metal strip on the area where the door is meant to slide across. Move the door slowly over the area. You might have to try a couple of times before it moves smoothly. If you want the job done perfectly then you will need to take the door off and lubricate its underside area.

Cleaning the strip of sliding doors sliding
Prevention of wind chimes rust
Wind chimes enhance aesthetics and add character to a place. However, they can only do so if they look as good as new. Weather often tends to lead to rusting of wind chimes. You have it in your hands to prevent this from occurring. Before the wet season arrives, spray the wind chimes with WD-40 and allow their sweet sounds to soothe you throughout the year. They will now be protected from the damaging effects of weather and will be able to keep tinkling along through all types of rain, wind, and snow.

Prevention of wind chimes rust