Shine the shoes
White sneakers are the perfect style statement, capable of leaving a mark. However, they can only do so if they are clean. It does not take long for dirt to accumulate on the white sneakers, which might be the biggest downside of this type of shoe. WD-40 would prove to be helpful in this situation. Rub the spray on the shoes and gently rub it. Before you know it, all the dirt would have gone away from your shoes.

Shine the shoes
Get rid of tar stains
Tar stains on vehicles is something that most car owners tend to detest. Whether you live in a city or the country, roads tend to deteriorate over time. When one drives through a shabby patch of road, or one that is being repaired, loose tar can easily splash onto your bonnet and other exterior parts. If this is a problem you are facing, WD-40 can make sure that all the stain is removed from your car in a jiffy.

Get rid of tar stains