Shine the license plates
If you are wondering about how to clean the license plates and get its shine back, WD-40 and a dry piece of cloth are all you need. The shine will manage to impress even the cops. Certainly, police officers appreciate it when citizens make an effort to be more easily identified. If you happen to collect license plates from different states, for example, then WD-40 will allow you to buff your prized collection in no time at all.

Shine the license plates
Remove the super glue
If you, like many others, thought that super glue could not be removed, you have been proven wrong by WD-40. Spraying WD-40 on superglue can remove it from anything, thereby showing, nothing lasts forever. Please be careful when using WD-40 on your skin, if it has become stuck to something, as it can be a skin irritant. Also, make sure that you never inhale the substance. Try and keep your superglue busting uses for WD-40 to just objects.

Remove the super glue