Get rid of the water stains
Water stains on the mirrors and shower walls can be quite annoying. The problem is that sometimes these stains do not go away irrespective of how much you rub and scrub them. WD-40 can save you a lot of time in this situation. Simply spray a bit of the substance onto affected areas and give them a good wipe. You will be amazed at how effective a cleaning agent WD-40 is! Make your bathroom a splendid spot to refresh yourself in.

Get rid of the water stains
Maintenance for the fridge gasket
A gasket is a rubber that separates the fridge door from the frame. Sometimes, bits and gunk tend to get stuck in the gasket which poses a problem. All you need is a piece of cloth and WD-40 to get done with the cleaning. Spray a line of WD-40 along the gasket, wipe away the excess that begins dripping down the tight space, and then use a toothpick to clean out the gunk, for good.

Maintenance for the fridge gasket