An Unexpected Encounter between Waitress and Red-Hatted Customers, with Shocking Results

Published on 04/13/2020


This thought inspired Jason, and he began thinking about how much he had in common with other people even if on the first impression that may not be so obvious. This included the smiling waitress who served him with a smile no matter what she might have thought about him at first, inspiring his incredible act of kindness. It is incredible how people can find so much in common with each other, even when they appear so different.




More in Common than Appearances

Jason said that he wanted to show Rosalynd that they probably had more in common than first appearances may show. Jason said in an interview that while he was sitting there, thinking about the whole weekend he had just experienced, he thought about how if most Americans have preconceived opinions of one another “then we’re never going to get better”, he said. To put it simply, don’t judge a book by its cover, or face value.

More In Common Than Appearances

More In Common Than Appearances