These Trucks Will leave You In Jaw-Dropping Moods

Published on 12/21/2020

36. Ford F650

It is said that when you have your own money, you can do whatever pleases you and do what makes you happy. Joe Johnson, a famous basketball player, proved this to us when he forked out a total of $200,000 to buy something intriguing to him. What was it? A uniquely-designed Ford F650 truck that has captured the eyes of many.

Ford F650

Ford F650

This truck boasts a fuel tank that can hold up to 200 gallons, which means it costs an average of $750 to fill. In reality, the amount Johnson spends to fill his truck’s tank is much more than many people work for a month in some United States areas. All we have to say is that it sure pays to be a baller. A lot of people do say it is ridiculous, but it could be said “they’re PB and jealous man,” according to James Franco. Johnson, you have worked hard for it, and you deserve it, so we say drive it to your heart.


35. Deere Paint Job

This is the perfect picture of a tricycle with a touch of John Deere paint job going on for it. We don’t know about you, but we would take this for a ride any day and have the eyes of everyone on us as we stroll along. What about you? This sure has taken some work and some creative and interesting thought to even bring this to fruition.

Deere Paint Job

Deere Paint Job

There are so many strange things that keep us up at night, and this is one of them as we will keep thinking through the night – why was this car altered this way, and why would anyone even do this? Let us ask you this one question…would you do this to your car and why? Curiosity is really getting the better of us as we would really want to know what gave this inspiration…but we are not against it, though!