These Trucks Will leave You In Jaw-Dropping Moods

Published on 12/21/2020

20. Silverado Lift

People’s styles are always portrayed in whatever they own as they want their personality to come alive, not through them, but what others see them with. Some people express their emotions, too, in what they own, like their vehicles. Not only was this truck lifted, but there are a lot of emojis jammed all over it. These emojis are not limited as there is the confused emoji, the winky emoji, the angry emoji, the tongue-out emoji, and the many others you know about. We can guarantee that there are no trucks across the globe that are so much into emojis. So, how ridiculous can this truck get?

Silverado Lift

Silverado Lift


19. Dekotora Diesel

This is what a Dekotora Diesel Truck looks like and is a trendy option in Japan, but someone here decided to take a fashionable one to the streets. Funny enough, it seems like this truck is about to turn into an Autobot anytime soon or even a carnival ride jumping out of the trailer and transforming the parking lot into a carnival zone. Any Japanese language experts in the house can help us understand what the writing on the van’s side says? We probably have some idea that it means “Autobots, Unite!” We know it might be totally different, but it doesn’t take anything away from the fact that it is one funny and ridiculous truck.

Dekotora Diesel

Dekotora Diesel