We Hope You’re Insured
Something dangerous must have happened here. It looks like someone confused a race track with a shooting range. We hope the driver was okay, and we certainly hope they had insurance.
There is obviously an investigation underway, just look at the yellow outlines around the bullet holes. Those are markings made by investigating officers. According to the person who posted this, it was a rental. Ouch. This is definitely going to hurt someone’s bank balance.
A Dedicated Mechanic’s Assistant
With a quick scan, everything appears to be in order, but look closer and you’ll see that there’s a fuzzy little dog in the engine. Animals often like climbing into cars, but it’s normally cats that do so.
We can only assume that this little pup is a dedicated mechanic’s assistant, or perhaps it’s playing a game of hide and seek. If so, it made a noble effort, but we found it. Nice try, though.