A Temporary Solution
This car is quite literally being held together with strings and tape… or rather cable ties and duct tape. We know that those are sturdy tools, but they’re not meant to hold pieces of a car together.
Anyday know this car would fall apart, and so it’s a good thing it was brought into the mechanic shop. We do have to admire the ingenuity. It’s something MacGuver would have cooked up back in the day.
An Economic Solution
Well, this is certainly more practical than the car with bottles for lights. Instead of replacing the headlights of this car, this smart individual has rigged a bunch of flashlights up instead.
We’re not sure how effective this is, however, and it looks pretty creepy on top of that. It looks like something that would be right at home in a post-apocalyptic horror film. We will give it some points for being unique at least.