Secrets Revealed
Valdez was not the only person searching for the beggar, but the rest of the people were also looking for the details. But no one knew that the scam was about to get exposed. This story was much bigger than what people had anticipated. In the past years, people started to notice problems with their community. California has been always considered as the city of lifestyles and hip culture, but there was one problem that was getting worse day by day and everyone would just keep on ignoring it. One user on Reddit wanted to expose it out but doing it was risky.

Secrets Revealed
Language Identified
Leslie’s career was devoted towards catching the top-notch criminal. And beggars usually are not involved in any of these offenses. But the language spoken by a mysterious man made her think that there is more to this story. She saw the video again and was able to recognize the language. This man was speaking Romani and they used a common method to dismiss the media. What else was the beggar couple hiding from people?

Language Identified