Interviewing the Beggar
The moment Valdez saw her she pointed the microphone towards her, and started asking questions like “Is this you, begging?”. Valdez took out her phone so that she would show Melissa’s video to her. The woman first stared at the phone and then at Valdez, she looked right at the camera and said: “I don’t speak English”. Her child holds her tight at the jumper. Next, when Valdez began to follow the beggar on the road, the same man showed up.

Interviewing The Beggar
Facial Recognition Match
Valdez said, “Keep the camera rolling!” She was so not letting this story just vanish. The man tried to keep his family (we think his family!) away from the journalist but they were not in a mood to give up. They followed him to the streets and saw them hiding in a corner behind a van. By running facial recognition on the woman from the video and the one she met that day, she made sure that it is the same woman. It was an 80% match. Valden started to observe the woman’s partner. There was something wrong about his reaction which sparked her belief that there are more things that need to be discovered. Her prediction was right.

Facial Recognition Match