A Navy Seal Who Is Fed Up With Porch Pirates Devises The Perfect Trap

Published on 11/12/2021

Illegal Device

Anyone who does not have a legal license to assemble explosive devices is in violation of state law. According to police spokesperson Loretta Cool, “even if it’s a blank, the manner in which the gadget is constructed is prohibited.”

Illegal Device

Illegal Device

The police department does not believe that Arthur’s “Boom Box” was a good idea in the least. According to her, “If the would-be package thief is injured in any way, the homeowner will be held liable”.


Crossing The Line

As Cool put it: “More than that, I’m not sure whether people are aware of the fact that even if this individual is taking anything, he cannot set them up to get injured on purpose.”

Crossing The Line

Crossing The Line

Moreover, she asserted that the act of erecting Arthur’s man trap may be considered a criminal in and of itself. In this case, Porch Pirates would be liable for filing criminal charges against the people implicated; however, the organization has not yet taken this action.