The Three Were Remorseful
When Apollo read the letter, he realized that they were extremely sorry for leaving the restaurant without paying. One of them said, “It is my companions’ and [my] sincerest apologies…we forgot to pay our bill.” “It was very unlike us, which is why we are very remorseful.” Apollo, on the other hand, had his concerns about their sincerity. Then they went on to tell the rest of the story of what happened that day…

The Three Were Remorseful
They Intended to Pay
Despite not having stated their intention to pay for their meals that day, they convinced Apollo that they did. The three just lacked financial resources. They said they intended to pay with a credit card, but the restaurant only takes cash payments. The fact that they didn’t say anything when they left the restaurant is understandable. They had a financial emergency and were searching for a method to get cash. But things didn’t go as planned…

They Intended To Pay