Beyond Material
While money had been the main reason that people thought that the thief had stolen the wallets for, there were more interesting theories that were starting to develop. Many believed that the thief had some bigger motive to taking these wallets. Betty, on the other hand, is also very interested to find out the truth, and eagerly awaits any further leads. She also wondered how many of her fellow former classmates would have their possessions returned.

Beyond Material
Passion For The Past
The plumber had not just uncovered something that was objectively valuable to the real owners, he had also awakened something in Seth. This was a pastor who cared about history almost as much as religion, and he was dedicated to hoarding antiques and relics. He had acquired the old school in the first place thanks to his passion for the past. This wasn’t his first restoration project, as he had also worked on an Elementary School, 7 years ago.

Passion For The Past