Keep It Up
This sadness did not stop Seth from being positive, however, and he was sure that one day someone would come forward and claim what was rightfully theirs. Seth spoke to the news agency and said that he and his crew were always praying for answers, and that this time capsule was a major find, regardless of how took it. They also weren’t surprised to learn that people all around the country were falling in love with this story.

Keep It Up
Unique Treasures
One person who read Seth’s story in full could not believe that he had stumbled upon such a phenomenal find. He was more impressed with the plumber for finding the stash, rather than shocked that someone had stolen and hidden all those wallets. The history behind these objects was so inspiring for many. They could not wait to find out if the wallets’ original owners would come forward, or not. It all came down to a waiting game.

Unique Treasures