The Soldier
That was when Betty turned her attention back to the pictures. There was one in particular that caused her to fall silent, and she seemed deep in thought. This picture was of incredible significance to Betty as the man in it looked so much like her brother. Betty’s brother had sadly died serving during World War II and it still hurt Betty when she thought of how he had been unable to return. Her eyes began tearing up as she thanked the news crew for providing her with a picture of her and her brother, the only one in existence.

The Soldier
Thrilling Discoveries
Betty had so much more to uncover, however, as the photographs and other documents within the wallet would prove. Beyond the pictures, Betty found a faded security card. This important document had gone missing in 1945 and she had always wondered how it had been lost. The news crew was eager to learn what Betty’s opinion was on how the wallet had gone missing in a toilet air vent. Was she as amazed as everyone else had been?

Thrilling Discoveries