Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Walls First, Roof Second

Although they wanted to replace the roof as a top priority, it seemed like there was another issue to address first. The walls were too unstable to hold up a brand new roof. This meant that the walls had to be fixed first, before they could even think about moving to the roof. If they did, the roof would collapse in the matter of days. Cal likened the process to solving a jigsaw puzzle, which had to be done one step at a time.

Walls First Roof Second

Walls First Roof Second


Generosity and Kindness

After seeing how the locals stepped up to help them complete their project, Cal and Claire decided that taking their efforts online might not be such a bad idea. In no time at all they set up a GoFundMe page to facilitate donations for the project, in order for them to keep going. In a matter of days, friends, relatives and strangers had all opened their wallets to help the young couple achieve their goal of getting out of this tricky situation.

Generosity And Kindness

Generosity And Kindness