A Hidden Masterpiece
The sisters were ecstatic. This home would sell for far more than they had ever imagined. Joyce was obviously an excellent caretaker and a very house proud owner. One that was about to put the sisters on the map as legendary estate agents.
The ladies felt as if they had been teleported into a different era. Joyce had moved into the house in the 1940s and chosen her furnishings and interior decor to suit her taste and the times. But incredibly, nothing had changed. It looked as if she had done this only yesterday.
The pink room was amazing, but wait, the purple one will surpass your expectations
One Incredible Sight After Another
As the two agents navigated the house their excitement grew. It seemed that every room they entered was more impressive than the last. They had not been in a more immaculately conserved home ever.
This house was like an exhibit dedicated to Joyce’s life and they now realized why Joyce had seemed so loath to commit to selling. This house was an extension of herself, a place where she had brought her very essence to life.
There is always a ‘but’…