A Waitress Slipped A Note To Her Husband As Soon As She Left The Table

Published on 01/26/2020

The Letter That Went Viral

Due to her strong feelings about the matter, Jackie ended up taking her story to social media. She knew that breastfeeding in public was always a contentious issue and a big topic of conversation on social media platforms, but still, she could never imagine how people would respond to her story. She wanted to raise awareness for the issue at hand, and find out where other people stood on the matter, far beyond her friends and family.

The Letter That Went Viral

The Letter That Went Viral


The Letter

Jackie started her post by explaining how she had breastfed three children in all kinds of pleasant and unpleasant places. That she had breastfed them sometimes discretely and sometimes out in the open. She explained the types of responses she has had including the many dirty looks and stares. But then she went on to explain that her experience at the restaurant had erased any negativity she had previously experienced. It was a wonderfully freeing feeling.

The Letter

The Letter