Even The Best Financial Advisors Cannot Believe These Dream-Like Celebrity Homes

Published on 08/01/2019

Greta Van Susteren’s $3.1 Million Home In New York

Greta Van Susteren has lived in this massive 2 bedroom apartment for a while. However, a few months after her resignation from Fox News as a hose, she sold the gorgeous New York home for a massive total of $3.1 million.

Greta Van Susteren’s 3.1 Million Home In New York

Greta Van Susteren’s $3.1 Million Home In New York


Charles Osgood’s Home In France

Charles Osgood is one of the select few that are privileged enough to have the option of living two separate lives. While his career and one home are situated in New York, he can also be found at his second luxury home in the south of France. According to Charles, he usually enjoys food more when in France and he has said that the ambience of the European region is what he loves most. Even though he is now retired as a television writer, his many projects include Horton Hears a Who! and CBS News Sunday Morning.

Charles Osgood’s Home In France

Charles Osgood’s Home In France