Mom Freaks Out When Waitress Refused Giving Her To-Go Box After Toddler Throws A Tantrum

Published on 09/26/2022

What Was Her Motive?

This made no sense to Courtney at all. To what did this refer? Should she feel guilty about something? Had the waitress a grudge against her? Didn’t she know who she was?

What Was Her Motive

What Was Her Motive

She had a lot of unanswered questions running through her head. What she should do next, she had no idea. The question is, “Should she leave the restaurant?” Is it worth it for her to strike up a conversation with another waitress? The waiter who had previously refused to accommodate Courtney reappeared out of nowhere. She had something on her person, but it wasn’t a bag.


Perplexed And About To Complain

Ice cream was provided in addition to the supper that she had specifically requested to have. Courtney was still confused as to why the woman wouldn’t pass her the to-go bag.

Perplexed And About To Complain

Perplexed And About To Complain

The waitress had time to provide the single mother an explanation of herself to the waiter. She sat down next to her at the table while the meal was winding down. The two women shared more in common with one another than at first appeared, and this led to a spirited dialogue between the two of them.