The Wedding Crasher Who Wanted Revenge On His Cheating Ex, The Bride

Published on 05/19/2020

Bad News Spreads Fast

Some people had been clever enough to capture Sarah’s speech and Alex’s dramatic escape with their smartphones. This woeful wedding became a viral hit in mere minutes, which comes as no surprise considering how dramatic it was. Sarah had influenced individuals across the globe when she transformed a massive upset into justice. Elle magazine put up a poll within their website, asking visitors if they would have followed in Sarah’s example. 60% of voters supported Sarah’s actions.

Bad News Spreads Fast

Bad News Spreads Fast



Followers of “IrishCentral” supported Sarah in her bold move and her handling of the disaster. Graham Houghton even commented that she was, “A very brave woman who deserves and will certainly find someone better. I wish her luck and happiness.” Not that Sarah was going on any dates for some time to come. Will Agee continued with, “Wow! Very strong and forward-thinking of her! Honesty is the best policy with self and others! Blessing all!”.

