The Wedding Crasher Who Wanted Revenge On His Cheating Ex, The Bride

Published on 05/19/2020

Decision Making

The oil rig worker had finally had enough. He could no longer bear to think of what was happening behind his distant back. It was time to talk to the boss about returning home. Dino then made sure that his relief would be moved back a couple of days earlier, speeding homewards. He was incredibly anxious as he hopped on the plane. Finally, Dino was assured of his negative doubts. So, what did Dino do following his explosive confirmations?

Decision Making

Decision Making


Wishing It Wasn’t So

Dino possessed a strong understanding of what he would discover upon returning home. It seemed like he had everything figured out before even arriving at the scene. He wanted nothing more than to be proven wrong and that he had allowed his paranoia to spiral out of control. Of course, being stabbed in the back by a partner is a terrible thing. Tragically, there was no way around the confrontation. It was time to right the wrongs.

Wishing It Wasnt So

Wishing It Wasnt So