The Wedding Crasher Who Wanted Revenge On His Cheating Ex, The Bride

Published on 05/19/2020

Oil Digger

“Either she was eating $500 worth of groceries a week or she was pumping cash-backs from the grocery store into her purse,” detailed the post. It seemed like Dino’s friends were well aware of what was happening in his relationship, and how he was being exploited by this strange woman. But Dino would not stay in the dark for much longer. Heartbreakingly, Dino finally caught on that his girlfriend of the time was a gold digger!

Oil Digger

Oil Digger



Dino carried on striving at the oil rig, plumbing the depths of the earth for minerals. All throughout, Samantha was happily lounging in his condo, burning through his hard-earned cash. While Dino was risking his life daily, breaking his back so that he could dream of a better life with Samantha, she was turning all his blood, sweat, and tears into useless and unfair purchases to break the boredom of her empty life. This was a toxic relationship.

