The Plan Hatches
The Redditor’s fascination brought him to scrutinize the carpet. He carefully searched it and saw just how filthy and broken it was in various spots. Finally, dead tired after a long day of work, he decided to make his way back home. The burning curiosity over the carpet remained in his mind, however.

The Plan Hatches
The strange sensation stayed with him to the point where he decided that the carpet had to be taken care of. With his gear in hand, he commenced tearing the carpet away, thinking that this would be his final chore before heading to bed. Incredibly, the Redditor found the shock of ages beneath the torn material.
As EvilEnglish began yanking the carpet out of the edges, something seemed to have cracked beneath. He initially believed that his elders installed the carpeting to obscure a cracked foundation, praying that this would not reveal further work to be done! Following this worry, EvilEnglish dedicated an especially cautious effort to not falling through an unstable floor!

Following several minutes of unpeeling the carpet from the ground, EvilEnglish eventually uncovered a sizeable square section of pale steel within the floor. He saw that this strange surface had a wooden handle attached to it. Completely perplexed, the repairer saw that this wooden handle was removable…