Even The Best Financial Advisors Cannot Believe These Dream-Like Celebrity Homes

Published on 07/11/2019

Aaron Rogers’ $2.05 Million Home In California

Aaron Rodger’s, NFL quarterback for Green Bay Packers, may adore Wisconsin and his team members, although, his love for the state where he was raised may have enticed him to set up home in California. The beloved sports star currently lives in California with his girlfriend Danica Patrick. The incredible home is fitted with an Olympic-sized swimming pool that the couple surely never tires of!

Aaron Rogers’ 2.05 Million Home In California

Aaron Rogers’ 2.05 Million Home In California

Pat Sajak: $699K, Glendale

This gorgeous house was once the house of the Wheel of Fortune star, Pat Sajak and his wife Sherrill. When the couple got divorced they decided to sell the property and renovated the 2,600 square foot property with a huge remodeling, after which they put the house on the market for $699,000. The house was actually originally built in 1911 and still has its original historical architecture, including the layout of the kitchen, with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a laundry room.

Pat Sajak – 699K Glendale

Pat Sajak – 699K Glendale