Selfless And Humble Gesture
Matt’s incredible gift of a wig for his mother, who had been inclined to go bald during her radiation treatment, helped restore some of the woman’s lost dignity and sense of confidence. The wig would be a huge boost for her self-esteem and will have helped her feel like herself again.

Selfless And Humble Gesture
Matt’s devotion to his mother was clear: he sacrificed two years of haircuts, and made sure the new style was just perfect. So how did he manage doing it?
How The Process Went
After deciding how long he wanted his hair to be, Matt went to a salon where the stylist knew exactly what was needed to achieve that look. The hair from his head was carefully cut and collected in the right way.

How The Process Went
The process was far from over, however. Upon receiving the hair donations, Matt then sent them to Compassionate Creations in California—a company that specialized in such wigs for cancer patients like his beloved mom.