These Living Room Decor May Just Be The Worst You’ll Ever See

Published on 02/19/2020

The Live-Laugh-Love Sign

We understand you want to spread a message of love and positivity, but the cliched “Live, Laugh, Love” signs are a big no-no for your living room. These are incredibly lame and tacky, with a terrible stereotype attached of the ‘Karen’, which no one wants to be associated with. People will think that you have no taste or culture if they see these signs in your home. Go for some less flat and rather choose a piece of art that spreads comfort and serenity.

The Live Laugh Love Sign

The Live Laugh Love Sign


Dash Space

You might be a collector of items, especially if you travel a lot, but it shouldn’t be a case where you feel comfortable enough to add them to your living room. It will only create an untidy and cluttered living room and, they will gather lots of dust and give you additional work. The claustrophobic effect of having far too many items jammed into one space is unpleasant, and you can bet that each item will gather a lot of dust. Maybe it is time to list some of your collections on eBay?

Dash Space

Dash Space