These Living Room Decor May Just Be The Worst You’ll Ever See

Published on 02/19/2020

Your living room is where you make most of your memories with friends and family, as it is a central shared space. So, your decorative skills and style will say a lot about you and your image. As such, you should be mindful of how you decorate so it doesn’t have that tacky look that will leave others thinking – what the hell?! Here are a few decor styles you don’t want in your home.

Put Up the Shot Glasses

Put Up The Shot Glasses

Put Up The Shot Glasses

This may be one of the tackiest we have ever seen, and though it is a great collection, you want to leave them in a private cabinet and only bringing them out when you are going to use them. The glass collection from around the world is not “everybody’s business.” You might give people the wrong impression by displaying this many dozens of shot glasses, making people think that you have an out of control drinking problem.


Ditch the Stand-out Colors

There are countless ways to complimenting a room with colors than adding it to the wall. You may want to leave the shocking and bold colors off the walls and probably incorporate them with a few cushions or artificial flowers. The pea-green theme does not work for any home, and makes one think of a small town in England somewhere that has not been blessed with the classic British countryside beauty. Try to go for tones that are not reminiscent of green beans.

Ditch The Stand Out Colors

Ditch The Stand Out Colors