22. New Mexico
Population: 2,095,428
Capital: Santa Fe
Percent holding advanced degrees: 11.8
Median household income: $46,718

New Mexico
New Mexico has one of the lowest incomes per capita in the US. More than half of its economy is in the service sector, accounting for some of the job opportunities for those who do hold some form of higher education.
The remainder of the state’s economy is based in and around extractive industries. This falls primarily under the categories of mining and oil production. Due to this, there do exist career opportunities for geologists.
Small scale excavation attracts a number of paleontologists, which may account for some of the statistics regarding an educated populace
21. Georgia
Population: 10,519,475
Capital: Atlanta
Percent holding advanced degrees: 11.9
Median household income: $52,977

This state’s economy harbors a diversified range of mechanized agriculture, complemented by a well developed industrial infrastructure. Attracting individuals with degrees relevant to both of these industries underpins the successful retention of highly educated individuals.
The state hosts medical facilities affiliated with Emory University, which boasts industry leadership in the various fields of heart disease.
This attracts a number of aspiring physicians looking to specialize in the field of cardiology.