Top 25 States That Boast The Highest Education

Published on 07/20/2020

8. New Jersey

Population: 8,908,520
Capital: Trenton
Percent holding advanced degrees: 15.6
Median household income: $76,475

New Jersey

New Jersey

Initially intended to be the country’s first industrial town, an attempt in 1791 proved unsuccessful. It was however just a case of the right idea at the wrong time, as New Jersey was destined to become an industrial powerhouse.
The last couple of decades have seen a decline in industrial growth, but the state remains a lucrative manufacturing giant.
Possibly due to its vicinity to New York, the service industry trend encroached the once industrial dominated job market. With a statistic of 2:1, the majority of workers in this state are employed in the service industry.


7. Vermont

Population: 626,299
Capital: Montpelier
Percent holding advanced degrees: 15.8
Median household income: $57,808



Vermont’s economy relies heavily on its service sector. Collective activities in this sector are the most important in terms of value and employment. Without very much else to elaborate on it is safe to say that although this state may not have the diversity of industry that other states have, it’s service sector is strong enough to withstand quite a large degree of economic turmoil
Curiously, although the state ranks third in qualified employees, its general wages are somewhat lower than the national average.
Another oddity is the presence of high-level unemployment in certain areas. Definitely then an enigmatic state gave its place on the list.